Listen: My Noa Series for July

When was the last time you spent five days in the office? For some people they’ll have to cast their minds back to the early months of 2020, as one of the lasting legacies of the pandemic has been working from home.

This month I worked with the Noa (News Over Audio) editorial team to curate this interesting Series where we consider how to get the most out of hybrid working.

Contrary to popular belief, remote working has been on the rise since the 1980s, with approximately 5% of work days being conducted from home for US workers by 2019. However, the pandemic significantly accelerated this trend to the extent that a staggering 60% of work was being carried out remotely.

But even as restrictions have lifted, these rates have not reverted to the pre-pandemic trend and in 2023 around 25% of work is done from the home.

Dubbed as “hybrid working”, the new normal for many professionals involves a combination of office and remote work, with a few days spent in the office and the rest at home. Despite the tightening reins and the call for employees to return from corporate giants like Alphabet, Blackrock, and AT&T, the average requirement to physically be present in the office remains at just 2.5 days per week.

This has posed a significant challenge for employers. The rapid and unexpected transition to remote work in 2020 left little opportunity for reflection and strategic planning on what an optimal hybrid work arrangement entails.

Questions such as; how do you build a strong culture in a hybrid environment, how do you manage different people in such a world and how do you accurately measure performance, remain unanswered for many.

My thoughts “Post-covid hybrid flexibility has been great for our people, allowing them to fit their jobs around their lives, but the time they spend in the office is crucial for our cohesion as a team.”

Keep on listening FREE and UNGATED here as we try and answer these questions and learn more.

Enjoy the listen!

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