Adding Value Always-Fitzgerald Power Partners With Noa

We’ve decided to partner with Noa, an app keen to deliver the world’s best audio journalism from some of the world’s most trusted publishers. This partnership is going to provide our clients with something different, interesting, useful & engaging.

It’s not even three weeks into the new year and we’re changing the way we’re doing things around here, and you’re coming too.

In a time when information, misinformation and disinformation are facing off in what seems like an endless cycle, we’ve decided to partner with Noa, an app keen to deliver the world’s best audio journalism from some of the world’s most trusted publishers; The Economist, The Washington Post, Bloomberg and Business Insider to name a few.

Noa brings you the world’s best journalism, curated by their own team of editors and read aloud by professional voice actors, with a goal to provide multiple perspectives on trending news topics, through a highly involved curation process. They, and we, understand how easy it is to get overwhelmed by the sheer volume of available information when trying to find out more about a given topic. Then, there’s the problem of deciphering who to trust. Making matters worse, many of us simply lack the time to do anything about this.

Access is also a huge consideration when it comes to real-time journalism. Noa aims to transform the journalistic world by providing access to those who never had it, opening eyes and offering fresh perspectives as they go–all the time integrating into your routine in an easy-to-understand fashion.

The range they provide, too, is impressive. Just this week, top stories include an overview of U.S. House speaker Kevin McCarthy from The Conversation, a Harvard Business Review piece on Quiet Quitting and a Bloomberg long-read on how Europe’s Spring Weather is Putin’s Winter of Discontent.

Fitzgerald Power is delighted to partner with Noa to provide 3 months of premium access to top-quality audio journalism. On top of this, every month, we will be bringing you a Fitzgerald Power-curated monthly “Series”, offering you multiple insights on a topic that we believe you should really know about. It will be free, ungated and will really up your water cooler chat. And that’s not all, we will also be giving you access to a free weekly Noa-curated Series, too. See? Not all accountants are tight!

To redeem your 3-month free Noa subscription, compliments of Fitzgerald Power, follow these quick steps and create your account to begin listening to articles from The New York Times, Bloomberg, The Economist, HBR, The Irish Times, and many more top-tier publishers, while you drive, walk, exercise, or cook.


1. Download the Noa app by clicking here.

2. Sign up using your email. No payment details are required.

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