Listen: My Noa Series for April

New York dominates as the top destination for IPOs, capturing $24bn of foreign listings in 2022, eight times more than London and Hong Kong combined. Listen to the latest Noa Series here to understand why.

This month I worked with the Noa (News Over Audio) editorial team to curate this interesting Series that I feel you will enjoy.

We’ll explore how New York beat London as the place to go for growing firms. We’ll start with a snapshot showing how dominant New York is today on the global stage. We’ll then examine why the Big Apple is so alluring, before we finish with a piece that examines what’s gone wrong in London and what it can do to regain some of its loss ground.

In 2023, New York is the de facto choice for firms with big ambitions. Can London ever compete again? Keep on listening here FREE and UNGATED to learn more.

“The New York Stock Exchange just isn’t the de facto choice anymore.” – That was the stark verdict on America’s financial centre by an analyst at Standard & Poor, the financial ratings agency, in 2006. In that year, New York trailed behind London as the destination of choice for companies looking to list their shares and launch an initial public offering, or IPO.

London offered high trading volumes and a prestige equivalent to New York. It also had the benefit of being closer to the time zones of booming markets in the Middle East, China and Russia.

Fast forward to 2022, and it’s a very different picture.

New York captured $24bn of IPOs in the year, more than eight times the combined value of IPOs in London and Hong Kong. New York doesn’t compete with London anymore, it dominates it.

A combination of plentiful capital in the US, the super-charged growth of tech firms, and the overall strength of the US economy have made New York a much more attractive destination for growing firms.

And London has not done itself any favours in that time. Pension funds have invested less and less in the stock market and new companies, and Brexit has created uncertainty and red tape for UK based firms.

Enjoy the listen!

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